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Fall Into Changing

Paula Greene Yoga

fall leaves

Change is in the air. Leaves are changing, homes are rearranging in fall decor and the squirrels are scrounging for acorns, always searching for more. It is also the time for us to change our routine, and our yoga practice. Now that the weather is cool and crisp our body is yearning for those warming binds and twists. Changing our practice with the seasons is one way of allowing us to celebrate impermanence and not cling to certain habits or movements. Summertime is hot, and since twists build heat within the body it is a great time to focus on other postures so when we move into fall we can move into twists. Change is good. Allow your mind to remain open to change, it is the one true thing that will be constant. When there is no change, there is no growth, whether that be in practice or in life. Like life, our practice too shall change and grow stronger through seasons and years. We build from our wisdom of years and practices of the past to guide us with more knowledge, strength and flexibility in body and mind for the present.

Twist it up. Cheers to fall.

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